Div Games Online

Documentation: Functions list of Div GO : Div Games Online v2.08.5

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19 functions (Div / Div 2 / Div GO):

blur_in_map(file, graph, value);see example
- value: from 0 to 30 in order to variation of blur effect, 0 being focused and 30 the greatest blur
change_fpg_color(file, color source, color change, tonality);see example
color_in_map(file, graph, color);see example
- color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue);
gradient_draw(id, color, x0, y0, x1, y1);see example
- color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue);
gradient_text(id, color, x0, y0, x1, y1);see example
- color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue);
paint_in_map(file, graph, color);
- color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue);
pixelated_in_map(file, graph, variation);
- variation of 0 to 100 to change the size of the pixel, with 0 being the normal size and the largest size 100
region_blur(region, value);see example
- region: region number defined with define_region();
- value: from 0 to 30 in order to variation of blur effect, 0 being focused and 30 the greatest blur
region_chroma(region number, color, hue);see example
region_mask(region, file, graph, x, y, size, alpha);
- region: region number defined with define_region();
region_pixelated(region, variation);see example
- region: region number defined with define_region();
- variation of 0 to 100 to change the size of the pixel, with 0 being the normal size and the largest size 100
region_wave(region, orientation, amplitude, variation);
- region: region number defined with define_region();
- orientation: 0 horizontal, 1 vertical
- amplitude: separation of waves: 0 without separation, 1 for 1px of separate, 2 for 2px... 10px... in forward
- variation of -100 to 100 to change the size of the pixel, with 0 being the normal size and the largest size 100
region_zoom(region, x, y, variation);
- region: region number defined with define_region();
- variation of 0 to 100 to change the size of the pixel, with 0 being the normal size and the largest size 100
shadow_draw(id, color, x, y, blur);see example
- color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue);
shadow_text(id, color, x, y, blur);see example
- color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue);
subtract_draw(id, x, y, width, height);
subtract_text(id, x, y, width, height);
texture_in_map(file, graph, width, height, x, y, size_x, size_y);see example
wave_in_map(file, graph, orientation, amplitude, variation);
- orientation: 0 horizontal, 1 vertical
- amplitude: separation of waves: 0 without separation, 1 for 1px of separate, 2 for 2px... 10px... in forward
- variation of -100 to 100 to change the size of the pixel, with 0 being the normal size and the largest size 100