Div Games Online

Documentation: Functions list of Div GO : Div Games Online v2.08.0

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10 functions (Div / Div 2 / Div GO):

delete_draw(draw id);see example
- all_drawing: with this constant value, delete of display all primitives graphical
draw(shape, color, opacity, region, x0, y0, x1, y1);see example
- shape:
1 = line
2 = rectangle
3 = rectangle filled
4 = ellipse
5 = ellipse filled
- color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue);
- opacity: 0 to 15 for opacity
- region: region number defined with define_region();
- x0: position x
- y0: position y
- x1: position final x, to the width
- y1: position final y, to the height
draw_bezier_curve(number, color, alpha, region);
draw_stamp(draw id);see example
- all_drawing: with this constant value, delete of display all primitives graphical
gradient_draw(id, color, x0, y0, x1, y1);see example
- color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue);
move_draw(identifier, color, opacity, x, y, width, height);
set_bezier_curve(bezier number, bezier point x1, bezier point y1, bezier point x2, bezier point y2, x, y);
shadow_draw(id, color, x, y, blur);see example
- color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue);
start_bezier_curve(bezier number, x, y);
subtract_draw(id, x, y, width, height);