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Documentation: Functions list of Div GO : Div Games Online v2.04.2

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12 functions (Div / Div 2 / Div GO):

collision(process id or TYPE process name, precision);see example
- png, svg and gif with alpha channel
- precision (optional): 0 (inaccurate) to 10 (very accurate), default value 9
collision_box(process id or TYPE process name, size1, size2, debug);see example
- process id or type
- size1: size of the identified process
- size2: size of the calling process
- debug: show collision limits, only in ide
collision_circle(process id or TYPE process name, size1, size2, debug);see example
- process id or type
- size1: size of the identified process
- size2: size of the calling process
- debug: show collision limits, only in ide
constraint(id1, stop id1, id2, stop id2, distance, elasticity);see example
- id1: id of a process
- stop id1: true or false to set the id1 process regarding the process id2
- id2: id of the second process
- stop id2: true or false to set the id2 process regarding the process id1
- distance: distance between the two processes from its center point
- elasticity: the higher the number will be more elastic effect, 0 = not elastic
exists(process id or TYPE process name);see example
[returns TRUE or FALSE, if exists the process]
get_angle(process id);see example
get_dist(process id);see example
get_distx(angle, distance);see example
- angle: from 0 to 360000
get_disty(angle, distance);see example
- angle: from 0 to 360000
get_id(TYPE process name);see example
let_me_alone();see example
signal(process id or TYPE process name, signal);see example
- signal: s_kill, s_sleep, s_freeze, s_wakeup, s_kill_tree, s_sleep_tree, s_freeze_tree, s_wakeup_tree