Div Games Online

Documentation: Functions list of Div GO : Div Games Online v2.08.0

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24 functions (Div / Div 2 / Div GO):

change_vectors(3d object id, quantity);see example
clear_shadows(number);see example
clear_texture(3d object id);see example
collision_objects3d(id1, id2);see example
color_object3d(3d object id, color);see example
- color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue);
delete_light3d(light id);
delete_object3d(3d object id);
get_dist_objects3d(id1, id2);
light3d(intensity, color, distance, x, y, z);see example
- intensity: minimum value 0 (light off) and maximum 200 (strong light); 100 is the default - color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue); - distance: how far will the light in the 3d scene
load_object3d(filename, wireframe, color, x, y, z);
- accepts 3D objects format: obj, dae, wrl
- wireframe: 0 to show solid object; 1 to show the wireframe of the object
- color: hexadecimal o rgb(red, green, blue);
modify_object3d(3d object id, alpha, width, height, long);
move_light3d(light id, intensity, x, y, z);
- intensity: minimum value 0 (light off) and maximum 200 (strong light); 100 is the default
move_object3d(3d object id, x, y, z, angle x, angle y, angle z);
object_in_scene3d(id, number);
object3d(type, wireframe, color, alpha, line drawn, x, y, z);see example
- type:
0 = plane
1 = cube
2 = sphere
3 = torus
4 = cylinder
- wireframe: 0 to show solid object; 1 to show the wireframe of the object
- color: hexadecimal o rgb(red, green, blue);
- alpha: object opacity
- region: region number defined with define_region();
set_fog(scene3d number, color, initial distance, final distance);see example
set_shadows(number, alpha, type);see example
set_terrain(number, file, graphic, distance, terrain height);see example
shadow_in_object3d(3d object id, enable);see example
start_scene3d(number, file, graph, region);see example
texture_in_object3d(id, file, graph);see example
video_in_object3d(3d object id, video code, volume, frequency);
- video code: returned by the video file loaded with load_video();
- volume: 0 for minimum volume, 256 for maximum volume
- frequency: 256 is the standard rate
write_object3d(id font, wireframe, color, alpha, height, x, y, z, text);see example