Div Games Online

Documentation: Functions list of Div GO : Div Games Online v2.08.5

all functions (Div / Div 2 / Div GO) original functions (Div / Div 2) new functions (Div GO)
filter functions:
[math] [graphics primitives] [string] [print text] [interaction processes] [scroll] [mode7] [scene3D] [graphic effects] [sound] [video] [geometric] [pathfinding] [color] [region] [general interaction program] [date/time] [saved data] [string conversion] [resource load] [music module] [array functions] [websocket]
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10 functions (Div / Div 2 / Div GO):

change_video(media id, volume, frequency);
continue_video(media id, time);
- time: from where will continue playing the video
get_video_length(media id);
[returns the total length in seconds of the video]
get_video_playtime(media id);
[returns the time in seconds what has been reproduced]
is_playing_video(media id);
[returns 0 if the video is stopped and 1 if it is playing]
load_video(filename, cyclic);
- cyclic: 0 to beep 1 time; 1 for reproducing being repeated indefinitely
move_video(media id, flags, angle, alpha, x, y, width, height, region);
pause_video(media id);
[returns the time where it has been paused in milliseconds]
unload_video(video id);
video(video id, volume, frequency);
- video id: returned by the video file loaded with load_video();
- volume: 0 for minimum volume, 256 for maximum volume
- frequency: 256 is the standard rate