- color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue); - opacity: 0 to 15 for opacity - region: region number defined with define_region(); - x0: position x - y0: position y - x1: position final x, to the width - y1: position final y, to the height
- red: 0% (black) to 200% (white), 100% hue not shown - green: 0% (black) to 200% (white), 100% hue not shown - blue: 0% (black) to 200% (white), 100% hue not shown - speed: with a number higher or equal to 64, the cast will be instant
map_block_copy(file, graph1, x1, y1, graph2, x2, y2, width, height);see example
map_get_pixel(file, graph, x, y, color);see example
- color (optional): for get one value of rgb: "r" or 0 for red; "g" or 1 for green; "b" or 2 for blue
map_put(file, graph1, graph2, x, y);see example
map_put_pixel(file, graph, x, y, color);see example
map_xput(file, graph1, graph2, x, y, angle, size, flags);see example
move_draw(identifier, color, opacity, x, y, width, height);
move_scroll(number);see example
- number: scroll number 0 to 9
move_text(identifier, x, y);see example
near_angle(angle, final angle, increment);see example
new_map(width, height, x_center, y_center, color);see example
- x_center: position x - y_center: position y - color: hexadecimal or rgb(red, green, blue);
[set a seed for the random number generator with the rand() function]
refresh_scroll(scroll number);
screen_copy(region file, graph, x, y, width, height);see example
set_fps(number of frames per second, number of skips allowed);
set_mode(new video mode);
- change video mode, option 1 (support Div/ Div2):
m320x240 m640x480 m800x600 (view the list of variables)
- option 2 (support Gemix/ BennuGD):
set_mode(width, height);
- option 3 (DivGO):
set_mode(width, height, rescale); - rescale: x1 o 1 (normal); x2 o 2 (double); x3 o 3 (triple), etc... set_mode(mwidthxheight, rescale); - rescale: 1 (normal); 2 (double); 3 (triple), etc...
set_song_pos(position of the module);
[fixes the position of the music module playback (the "pattern" number)]
set_title(page title);
- volume: 0-100 to increase or decrease the overall volume of the game
signal(process id or TYPE process name, signal);see example
[returns the number of elements contained in the variable]
song(identifier of the module);see example
sound(sound id, volume, frequency);
- sound id: returned by the sound file loaded with load_sound () - volume: 0 for minimum volume, maximum volume to 256 - frequency: 256 is the standard rate
- number: mode7 number 0 to 9 - file: - graph1: - graph2: - region: region number defined with define_region(); - horizon: pixels in height where you want to begin the horizon
start_scroll(number, file, graph1, graph2, region, scroll lock);see example
- number: scroll number 0 to 9 - file: - graph1: - graph2: - region: region number defined with define_region(); - scroll lock:
- number: mode7 number 0 to 9
- number: scroll number 0 to 9
stop_song();see example
stop_sound(channel id);
strcat(text destination, source text);
[returns concatenated text]
strchr(text, character);
[seek one or more characters within text, it returns the position of the first character found]
strcmp(text 1, text 2);
[compares two texts and returns 0 if both are identical]
strcpy(text destination, source text);
[source text copy on destination text]
strdel(text, start position, final position);
[returns the text starting at the start position and cutting by the final position, eliminated what it may have before and after in the original text]
[returns the value of the length of characters that there is in the text, counting also blank spaces]
strset(text, character);
[returns the first position of the text sought]
strstr(string, search string);
[returns the first position of the search string]
unload_song(identifier of the module);see example
unload_sound(sound id);
upper(char or text);see example
[returns uppercase texts]
write(font, x, y, centering code, text);see example
- font: id returned by load_font() - x: position x - y: position y - centering code: 0 to 8 - text: "write text"
write_in_map(font, text, centering code);see example
- font: id returned by load_font() - text: "write text" - centering code: 0 to 8
write_int(font, x, y, centering code, OFFSET variable);see example
- font: id returned by load_font() - x: position x - y: position y - centering code: 0 to 8 - OFFSET variable: put varible defined