Documentation: Functions list of Div GO : Div Games Online v2.08.5
all functions (Div / Div 2 / Div GO)
original functions (Div / Div 2)
new functions (Div GO)
filter functions:
[graphics primitives]
[print text]
[interaction processes]
[graphic effects]
[general interaction program]
[saved data]
[string conversion]
[resource load]
[music module]
[array functions]
search functions:
6 original functions (Div / Div 2):
exit(text, type of output);see example
frame(percentage);see example
- percentage: 100 = process are updated every frame; 200 = 2 frames each change; 300 = every 3, ...
key(keyboard code);see example
set_fps(number of frames per second, number of skips allowed);
set_mode(new video mode);- change video mode, option 1 (support Div/ Div2):m320x240
(view the list of variables)
- option 2 (support Gemix/ BennuGD):set_mode(width, height);
- option 3 (DivGO):set_mode(width, height, rescale);
- rescale: x1 o 1 (normal); x2 o 2 (double); x3 o 3 (triple), etc...
set_mode(mwidthxheight, rescale);
- rescale: 1 (normal); 2 (double); 3 (triple), etc...
set_title(page title);