Documentation: Functions list of Div GO : Div Games Online v2.08.0
all functions (Div / Div 2 / Div GO)
original functions (Div / Div 2)
new functions (Div GO)
filter functions:
[graphics primitives]
[print text]
[interaction processes]
[graphic effects]
[general interaction program]
[saved data]
[string conversion]
[resource load]
[music module]
[array functions]
search functions:
13 original functions (Div / Div 2):
calculate(calculating text);see example
[returns a numeric value of a text and the result of the values written as a calculator, ex: "((120+30)*2)/5"]
char(value or text);see example
[returns a unicode value if you put a character in quotes or returns a character if you put your unicode value]
lower(char or text);see example
[returns lowercase text]
sizeof(variable);see example
[returns the number of elements contained in the variable]
strcat(text destination, source text);[returns concatenated text]
strchr(text, character);[seek one or more characters within text, it returns the position of the first character found]
strcmp(text 1, text 2);[compares two texts and returns 0 if both are identical]
strcpy(text destination, source text);[source text copy on destination text]
strdel(text, start position, final position);[returns the text starting at the start position and cutting by the final position, eliminated what it may have before and after in the original text]
strlen(text);[returns the value of the length of characters that there is in the text, counting also blank spaces]
strset(text, character);[returns the first position of the text sought]
strstr(string, search string);[returns the first position of the search string]
upper(char or text);see example
[returns uppercase texts]